Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Possible Front Page Images

These are all of the image I took as possible images for my pop music magazine.

Posed but not enough happening in the shot, too still and dull.

Good connotations and bright picture

Too still, not enough movement or anything interesting in the shot for a pop music magazine.

Framing has cut off the models hands and colours do not match.

Background is dark and not white enough.

Good image but the use of prop could lead to  bad anchorage to the image in a music magazine.

Positioning of prop guitar makes it look too big compared to the model.

Good shot. Well framed, relatively simple but  works well

Posed shot with prop but the image looks too still and background looks too dark.

Quirky pose, interesting shot with sunglasses going forwards,  adds depth to the shot.

Bad frame, has cut off the end of the guitar, and background is too dark.

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